Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Chaos Ensues

We arrived at the school and my mom left. A teacher was going to take me to my class, but before even saying hello, she made me tuck in my shirt. The first thing I noticed as I entered the class was the noise. About 20 about of the 30 people there were talking and yelling. I wasn't sure if the yelling was anything in particular (my Spanish isn't that good) but many of them were screaming at the top of their lungs. I figured that it would die down when class started but I was wrong. The teacher stood in front of the class and started saying something, at the same time I'm pretty sure the sound level went up. Not a single kid in the room seemed to even notice that the teacher was there. After about 10 minutes she seemed to give up and just wrote a number on the board. I soon found out that that number was a page number in the textbook and that our task for the class was to copy that page into our book. Not to answer questions, not to research something, just to copy a page out of the textbook word for word. I managed to complete this just as the next class started. I went through the day copying a few pages in each class and participating in the chorus of booing every 20 minutes or so. No one really "boo's" it's more of a collective "oohing" in a very deep voice but it has close to the same meaning as an English "boo." This blaring hubbub is roared for for reasons. Whenever someone says something and everyone else happens to be silent for that second, when someone back talks the teacher, when the teacher thinks of a clever response to the back talking kid, when the kid thinks of a clever comeback to the comeback or whenever either the teacher or the kid can't think of a response quickly enough. Some teachers are very smooth and can beat any student verbally, others try to get their clever thoughts out but just end up stuttering and sometimes the teacher will think of something to say but will have paused too long since the student's last remark and the timing will be off. Either of the latter two will result in a communal booing or oohing from the class. I usually miss the original comment that starts the trading of remarks but can understand what happens from then on.

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